
QBT2430-WH - Escáner Datalogic QuickScan Mobile QBT2430 (Kit)

Configuración del dispositivo: 2D Imager, Bluetooth, Multi-interfaz (RS232, KBW, USB), Blanco. El ki...

945200046 - Dispositivo Datalogic Falcon X3 +

Configuración del dispositivo: Manual, Wi-Fi 802.11 a / b / g / n CCX v4, Bluetooth v2.1, Memoria 25...


Datalogic Service Contract - 1 year - PowerScan 8300M/Bluetooth Ease of Care Overnight Replacement C...


Magellan 3450VSi, Kit, USB Keyboard Scanner, 1D/2D Model, Counter/Wall Mount, CSS with Omni-Mount, P...

PM9600-SR910RBK10 - Datalogic Barcode Scanner

Datalogic PowerScan PM9600 cordless scanner, industry, 2D, imager, cordless, 910MHz, IP65, IP67, inc...

Cable RS232 Datalogic - 90a051937

RS232 Cable Datalogic CAB-408 SH 3590, pin-layout especial para Honeywell 24X5.